Conference "Exoplanet Atmosphere Recipes" by Edwin KITE
  • Du 01 December 2022 au 01 December 2024
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Conference "Exoplanet Atmosphere Recipes" by Edwin KITE, Professor at the University of Chicago. Thursday 1 December at 1 pm, in the Pasteur amphitheatre, building 2, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nantes University.

Professor Edwin KITE is a planetary scientist at the University of Chicago. He studies the evolution of rocky planets. Rocky planets preserve traces of the evolution of their fluid envelopes over long time scales that the Earth's fossil record tells us are necessary for the evolution of complex life.

The data from the James Webb Space Telescope will enrich our understanding of the atmospheres of sub-Neptunes and super-Earths, including potentially habitable worlds. They will help answer a number of questions: which exoplanets retain atmospheres and oceans? and how does elemental fractionation shape the composition of exoplanet atmospheres? Edwin KITE will also discuss the key processes that can shape the atmospheres of habitable exoplanets: erosion due to asteroid impacts, loss of atmosphere due to X-rays and UV radiation, contamination by planetesimals, and exchanges between atmosphere and magma. Finally, he will discuss sub-Neptunes, terrestrial exoplanets and intermediate worlds.

The conference will take place on Thursday 1 December at 1 pm, in the Pasteur amphitheatre, building 2, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nantes University.

It is part of the GeoPlaNet thematic school "Habitability on Solar System and Beyond". See the programme in activities.
Mis à jour le 19 July 2023.