Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Planetary Geosciences - GeoPlaNet

Careers & employability for EMJM-GeoPlaNet Alumni

The mastery of advanced knowledge, techniques and digital tools will offer you various opportunities to pursue a career in academic or private entities related to geosciences and space exploration, such as:
  • Engineer in field geology/geophysics
  • Remote sensing/geomatics Engineer
  • Engineer in instrumentation for geosciences and space exploration
  • Consultant/Project manager (PhD level) in study office related to Geosciences and Space exploration
  • Science Officer in research organisations/companies
  • Earth and Planetary data scientist (PhD Level)
  • Research engineer (PhD level) in Earth and Planetary data acquisition, processing, experimentation, instrumentation, numerical modelling
  • Researcher and professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences (PhD level)

Post-Master opportunities

> EVOLVE programme (2024)

The European Union has awarded a COFUND grant to a consortium of researchers from the universities of Groningen and Leiden for a collective PhD programme called 'Evolve'. The 7.1 MEUR programme, which is co-financed by the participating universities, will recruit and train 17 PhD students to conduct world-leading research on the origin and nature of life and its distribution in the universe.

    * 17 EU-funded PhD positions available in topics covering origin of life
    * 20 potential projects identified, applicants can also propose their own project
    * 8 participating Universities and Research Institutes in the Netherlands
    * Eligibility criteria:
    * Must have an internationally recognized masters degree
    * Must have not lived in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to application deadline
    * Application deadline 20 Oct 2024

Full Announcement:
The origin and nature of life, and its distribution in the universe, are fundamental questions for humanity. Key questions revolve for instance around the formation of biomolecules, the emergence of life on planetary surfaces, the evolution of cellular functions, extra-terrestrial life and how life will cope with human-induced challenges. Within the Evolve Doctoral Programme, the four-year PhD students will conduct interdisciplinary research with the aim to break new grounds in four scientific areas: (i) Planetary preconditions and boundary conditions of Life, and its origins here on Earth, (ii) Defining properties and synthesis of Life, from the molecular to the biosphere level, (iii) Modelling, predicting and steering of Life, (iv) Distribution of Life across the universe.

Within Evolve, candidates may apply for one of the 20 research projects or freely propose their research topic. This gives them the opportunity to work directly with top-level academics who have won prestigious prizes and grants, such as the Nobel Prize, ERC Advanced Grants and NWO Consortium grants. The Evolve Doctoral Programme is a joint initiative by six world-leading research institutes: Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences & Biotechnology Institute (GBB), Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES), Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry and Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (ZIAM).

For more detailed information about the research, the involved research institutes, prospective supervisors and proposed projects, please visit the website Interested researchers are encouraged to apply before 20 October 2024 via the Evolve website.

> ESA’s Young Graduate Trainee Programme

ESA’s Young Graduate Trainee (YGT) Programme offers young graduates the opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job experience in the development and operation of space missions in an international and multicultural environment. The Programme lasts for one year and is a launch pad for many professional opportunities within Europe’s space sector, renowned research institutes or, of course, ESA itself.

Every year in February, ESA publishes around 100 YGT opportunities in science and engineering, information technology, natural and social sciences and business.
See ESA's webspage.

> PhD opportunities in Europe

Announcements of PhD vacancies are generally published around February.

  • The Euraxess platform gathers many PhD offers.
  • Portugal
> Call for PhD Studentships – Regular Line of Application
> Call PhD scholarships from
the PT Space
> University of Coimbra
At the Department of Earth Sciences, at the Department of Physics; PhD in Astrophysics; at the Department of Mathematics.

> University of Porto
General information about PhD applications
Phs in Astronomy, in Earth sciences,in Physics, in Mathematics and Applications.
  • France
> PhD offers at CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
> At CNES: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
> At LPG, Nantes Université

Mis à jour le 21 November 2024.